Hebei Province, China, has embarked on an aggressive three-year blockchain development plan – and has pledged to foster 20 “leading” blockchain firms by 2022.
Per Shanghai Securities News, the plans were unveiled by the IT arm of the Hebei Communist Party of China Provincial Committee Secretary.
The government pronounced that its goals for the end of 2022 were the following:
- build 20 “leading” blockchain-related firms
- foster several blockchain apps and products
- design 1-3 nationally recognized blockchain brands
- create three blockchain parks
The province also stated a regional research push, focusing on blockchain-related R&D.
It also stated its intention to cooperate with innovators based remotely in the country, co-build a blockchain industry technology innovation alliance – and work with overseas-based innovators. The province also wants local firms to begin creating blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) offerings.
The regional administration said that it would look to support progress by implementing pro-business policies and provide financial support.
The move reflects comparable pledges from other provinces, and major cities made earlier this year.
Guizhou and Hunan regions made their pledges last month, with the former vowing to nurture some 100 locally bases blockchain firms by 2022. Hunan said it would construct five blockchain-specific tech parks by 2022.
Beijing, meantime, has undertaken to build a blockchain technology talent training authority in the same period, as well as a city-run fund that will invest in ensuring blockchain firms.
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