
Blockchain Tech Aids Healthcare Send CoVid19 Results

With the current pandemic going out of hand for some countries, how can blockchain technology help?

The solution came to life as the hybrid ledger platform Kadena LLC launched a distributed app that would allow users to trace COVid 19 results.

This lessens the face-to-face release of results as well as communicating an up-to-date release of data inside one server website.

How does this work?

QR codes play an important role. These codes are included in the test forms. Every accomplished file has a unique key that is directly sent to coding using blockchain technology which seals the process and makes it secure for any misinformation.

The data sent by the healthcare personnel will be directly stored in one universally stable and safe storage available in the cyberspace. The results can be accessed by the owner of the form using his/her mobile phones.

The advanced cryptographic keys also record specific details such as the time of extraction and the historical proof which cannot be changed once submitted.

The manufacturer also assures that swapping of real and fake tests can be mitigated with the security enforced in the data processing.

Kadena has also assured that features, processes, and systems present in the app were compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

CEO Will Martino, who was an executive from JP Morgan blockchain, said that analysis of data can aide with the academic and government sector in further studies to combat Coronavirus.

With the increasing numbers of worldwide infections, tolling up to 9 million cases, Kadena other industry and private technology companies have joined in maximizing their technology to help in the pandemic. ConsenSys Health, a spinoff of blockchain solutions released ConsenSys, implemented a hackathon last April only whereas, IBM Rapid Supplier Connect made one that oversees and connects medical suppliers to lessen supply shortage and connects with a network of suppliers worldwide.

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