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Donald Trump Themed Art Can Make You Rich For $6.6 Million

The non-fungible tokens (NFTs) market exhibits signs of hotting up to abnormal levels – with a Donald Trump-themed production of digital art obtaining a staggering USD 6.6m in a resale sale.

The artwork was created by famous digital artist Beeple, who has had an outstanding start to 2021. Earlier this month, arguably the most famous auction house on the planet – the UK’s Christie’s – accepted to put his “EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS” NFT under the hammer. The auction is slated for today.

But it looks like NFT art is now hot property, with the Nifty Gateway trading platform announcing that the Trump-themed work named “Crossroad” had “just resold on the secondary market for USD 6.6 million.”

Nifty Gateway added,

“History has just been made.”

Beeple responded that he was “he was absolutely f***ing speechless” to hear the news.

The deal marked the previous owner Pablo, a collector with over 100 digital artworks in their portfolio, make a significant profit on the work, purchasing it for a couple of thousand dollars in October.

Back in December last year, Pablo was asking just USD 66,666 for the position. But per Nifty data, a new user named Baby Beluga has now snapped it up for the six-figure fee.

As earlier reported, Beeple created the work ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States – raising eyebrows with a token that would either go on to show a naked, absurdly buff Trump stomping through the fires of Hell for eternity…or his bloated corpse lying lifeless and graffiti-covered in a public park.

Before the election, the NFT characterized the unclothed Trump and victor President Joe Biden squaring up to one another in a gravity-free embryonic stasis.

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