Asian Racing Federation combats illegal crypto betting The Asian Racing Federation issued a warning that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are now aiding illegal...
China is looking to drive forward the CBDC utilization throughout the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. In the recent CBDC pilot projects, Beijing’s...
Changsha, part of the Middle Kingdom’s Hunan Province, will distribute 300,000 digital yuan or eRMB (electronic RenMinBi) red packets. Digital Yuan airdrop will...
Recent tweets from Elon Musk have partially rendered sending Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies plunging. This caused Vietnamese investors to lose and decrease...
Specialists consider it’s the best time to advance the research, development, and application of blockchain technology in Vietnam Vietnam has set off to...
A record has concluded that China’s digital yuan has failed to impress early large-scale pilots; drawing a “lackluster reception” from participants. This fact...
South Korean authorities’ plans to shutdown cryptocurrency exchanges warned the top chairman financial regulator, Eun Sung-soo. The nation currently has about 200 cryptocurrency...