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Bitcoin The Goat: Zuckerberg’s Secret Message

American media magnate, Mark Zuckerberg, emerged from the shadows with a headline-grabbing move of his own. He named his new pet goat after the world’s most prominent cryptocoin: Bitcoin (BTC).

Facebook’s supremo uploaded a photo on his FB page that went viral immediately. It was a photo of Bitcoin the Goat playing in what looks like a barn with a buddy named Max.

bitcoin the goat

The BTC population has been discussing the meaning of the Goat and its nickname. A Dutch bitcoiner and columnist, Madelon Vos, gratified in some wordplay; mocking that the unusual message behind the naming was that Bitcoin Max(imalists) are GOATs (greatest of all time).

Several Bitcoin followers also had very similar puns; a welcome diversion to the cryptocoin’s somewhat unpredictable slide under the USD 55,000 mark.

Crypto consultant and investor Anndy Lian was another to jump on the Bitcoin Maxi joke trend and asked if the nickname hinted that Zuckerberg was ready to shift his attention to crypto investment.

Danny Scott, CoinCorner’s CEO and Co-Founder wondered if FB CEO’s Bitcoin love meant that he had become cold with Libra, his firm’s stablecoin project now known as Diem.

Among the joy and enthusiasm, a few severe advocates screamed to be heard. @BitBitCrypto, a Bitcoin trader and crypto tweeter, requested for a reason, tweeting:

“Zuckerberg knows about bitcoin and it’s not on Facebook’s balance sheet yet. Instead, he named his goat Bitcoin. Guys? I’m not sure this is a market buy signal.”

Such voices of justification were not to be given much airtime today. Francis Pouliot, the CEO and Founder of Bull Bitcoin, responding:

“Why would [Zuckerberg] want to put it on Facebook’s balance sheet instead of suppressing the price long enough to stash up like an emperor?”

A Grisly Twist Back In Time

But there was a ghastly twist to all this goat-themed fun. Posters with good thoughts recalled the strange tale of how Zuckerberg once killed a goat he raised himself…and then served it up to the Twitter boss Jack Dorsey.

During 2019, Rolling Stone conducted an interview with Dorsey, where the latter described that Zuckerberg had killed a goat that he had raised “probably with a stun gun and a knife,” before sending it to be butchered.

“Evidently in Palo Alto, there’s a rule or regulation that you can have six livestock on any lot of land, so he had six goats at the time,” Dorsey stated.

The meat from the slaughtered Goat was then put in the oven but didn’t quite come out as planned.

Dorsey further stated:

“We go in the dining room. He puts the Goat down. It was cold. That was memorable. I don’t know if it went back in the oven. I just ate my salad.”

Will Zuck destroy Bitcoin? Will he eat it for lunch? Or will Bitcoin he Cryptocurrency appear on the balance sheet of Facebook?

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