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Bitcoin Scam’s Latest Victim

A teacher became the latest victim of a Bitcoin Scam.

Julie Bushnell, a teacher in the United Kingdom, lost thousands of dollars to a bitcoin scam that used the depiction of Tesla CEO, Elon Musk.

A teacher lost a lot of money

It looks like Elon Musk is not taking a break until now. His face has been used for many kinds of fraudulent activities, which is very common in crypto space. This is not the first time he encounter this, and it won’t be the last.

Bushnell read an article that seemed legitimate and mimics the look and structure of a piece from BBC. The article specified a big bitcoin giveaway that Elon Musk will be hosting. He stated that anyone who was voluntarily donating bitcoin will see their figures go double. This is a common strategy in most criminals.

The hacker – who is in his late teens – advertise a bitcoin scam and says that all followers of these individuals shall donate their bitcoin to the listed addresses. Anyone who participated will have their money doubled. But in reality, they never saw their money again. The malicious actor has no intention of giving out returns. He just walked away with over $120,000 in BTC. He was then later caught and took a plea deal to have a shorter sentence, if he was willing to give the money back.

It is not yet clear how the money has been deposited. Bushnell says that she had been saving her money for a down payment of a house. The amount is approximately over $12,000. The thought of it getting doubled is too enticing to pass.

bitcoin scam

Spreading the Word

She informed the BBC immediately when her money was not returned. She says she wants to help people avoid the same misfortune she experienced.

“I want to raise awareness of this scam, so it does not happen to other vulnerable people.”

Julie Bushnell

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