American Crypto-miner fixed a mining rig in a particular place with the motivation to “annoy gamers.” Simon Byrne installed the full mining rig foundation in the back of his BMW i8 hybrid automobile.
Miner Is Trying to Build a ‘Crypto Utopia’

Byrne installed six Nvidia RTX 3080s graphic cards into his car’s trunk, as reported by PC Gamer. The hybrid car’s internal battery supplies the hardware power.
Nevertheless, the car’s boot should be left open, or the whole contraption will overheat, said the cryptocurrency miner. Hardware Times first spotted the BMW’s mining rig, who calculated that the car is worth $147,500 when it was acquired.
The electric vehicle is proficient in accelerating to 100 KPH in just 4.4 seconds. Hardware Times’ report claimed that the mining system is powered by an ASUS B250 Mining Expert board and an EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2 power supply.
Byrne declared that he didn’t build the mining rig just for practical purposes. He just wanted to “annoy gamers.”

The miner says he is trying to build a crypto “utopia” with the mining rig into his BMW i8. He didn’t elaborate on further details, said PC Gamer.
Byrne informed Hardware Times that he owns another mining farm comprised of 78 Geforce RTX 3080 graphics cards. The setup can generate over $128,088 per year in profits. Photos show that the BMW i8 car has a Nevada license plate with “HODLER” highlighted.
Other Interesting Cases of Crypto Mining Setups
This is not the first curious case of a crypto mining-related setup in the world. For example, the idea of “cryptomatoes” born in March 2018. Kamil Brejcha, co-founder of the exchange Nakamoto X, advertised photos of tomatoes grown using excess heat from cryptocurrency miners.

The process aimed to channel the excess heat from the crypto mining for tomatoes’ sustenance, among other solutions. Brejcha desired to point out that entrepreneurs could compile environmental-friendly methods into an “agriculture blockchain startup.”
Other rare uses for Bitcoin (BTC) mining are found in the United States – specifically in Florida. An electrical and computer engineering graduate of Cornell, Avi Aisenberg, said he obtained three Antminers and placed them in a distillery he owns during an interview.
The small mining setup goal was to take advantage of the 4000 W of exhaust heat to cycle his rum barrels’ temperature to stimulate the aging process. Of course, these types of cogeneration mining theories are probably more useful to some observers than a BMW i8 hybrid car with a crypto-miner built to “annoy gamers.”
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