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Teenager’s Gender Transition (NFT) Sold For $2.16 Million

In an online auction entitled ‘Hello, I’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life,’ Christie’s sold five lots by FEWOCiOUS; whose real name is Victor Langlois.

The NFT or non-fungible tokens and actual artwork by an 18-year-old transgender artist FEWOCiOUS were sold for $2.16 million; Christie’s said on Wednesday, the latest sign of desire among art collectors for a blockchain-based property.

An NFT is a digital/digitized property, which uses blockchain to register the ownership state of digital objects, such as images, videos, and text. While anybody can watch or view the asset, only the buyer of an NFT has the official ownership.

The five lots, which attracted more than 20 bidders during the auction, portray a year of Seattle-based Langlois’ existence. He uncovered his gender individuality and shifted his gender from female to male amidst his ages of 14 and 18. Langlois is the youngest ever artist to have an auction at Christie’s.

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  • NFT
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  • NFT

NFT is here to stay

Each lot includes a video artwork that exists in digital art form only. Sold as an NFT, a set of sketches, drawings, and journal records; from the matching year in both solid and NFT form, as well as a tangible-only canvas.

Langlois stated in an interview that,

“I feel like, a lot of times, trans voices aren’t heard or aren’t as respected; so to have my platform to say ‘hey look, this is my life and look at what we’re doing’ – it means the world.”

The auction was the newest in a series of shifts by traditional auction houses to adopt NFTs, which soared in popularity early this year.

I think NFTs are the future,” stated Langlois, who also personally owns digital currencies.

“If you’re posting your art and sharing it with the world digitally. I think to offer a way for collectors to own it as a digital asset is just the next step,” he added.

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