Telegram introduced a set of new features; this includes Search Filters, Anonymous Group Admins, Channel Comments, and a lot in its recent update. The Search Filters allow the users to find the memes about the Telegram Cloud: The Anonymous Admins will keep the admins’ name and identity is hidden in a list of the group members. They also have enabled the Batman mode to post as an anonymous admin in a group. The third new feature is the Channel Comments that keeps the discussion in a more civilized group.
Search Filters
From Telegram’s blog post, users can now find media, links, files, and other more easily with the new Search Filters. For instance, to search the links shared on a particular date, users can type “August 14” or “Yesterday,” then the app will then return the results quickly. Furthermore, typing the name of any person, group, channel, or bot will add a filter by source, the company stated. The filters will also allow the users to search for something specific like a message that comes with a link, sent in August 2019 and contains the word “happy.”
Anonymous Group Admins
To keep admins of groups that are then used to disseminate sensitive information.
To keep the identity hidden, the admins can toggle Remain Anonymous in the Admin Rights to enable Batman mode. This mode will allow the admins to keep their identity hidden from the group members on the list. The admins sent by the admins will then be signed with the group, similar to the one that is seen in the channel posts.
Channel Comments
Telegram also added a comment button to the posts on channels with the discussion groups. The comments by the members will then show up in a thread of their own as well as inside the discussion group “to keep everyone in the loop and make it easier for admins to keep the conversation civil.” Even when a person is not a member of the channel’s discussion group, they will then be notified about the replies on their comments via a new chat called Replies.
Other New Features
Apart from the Search Filters, Anonymous Group Admins, and Channel Comments, Telegram has also added more features like new smooth animations. Users can also expand or hide the keyboard, switch between day and night themes, see animated pop-ups when deleting messages, changing notifications, saving media, among other tweaks.
Aside from the three new features mentioned above, Telegram has also added more features like smooth animations. Users can now also expand or even hide their keyboard, switch between day and night themes, and then see animated pop-ups when deleting specific messages, changing notifications, saving media, and other tweaks.
Additionally, those who are using multiple accounts in only one app can now preview the chat lists of both versions with the use of the account switcher. Telegram notes that it is also occupied to animate every emoji in presence.
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