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Modern Crypto Is Shooting To The Moon: Don’t Miss This Ride

What is this Modern Crypto?

Modern crypto named ‘SafeMoon’ stated a new partnership that will help cryptocurrency investors.

SafeMoon is a kind of cryptocurrency that lately made a huge move that will matter to cryptocurrency investors. As a result, there appears to be a great deal of hype developing around it.

SafeMoon is a modern form of cryptocurrency that has been linked with Dogecoin. This is because it doesn’t cost much to invest in. Although according to Benzinga, SafeMoon “doesn’t have any clear use cases,” which means you can’t buy much with it.

Is SafeMoon Rising?

Yes, though slightly. SafeMoon has leaped about 5% in the last 24 hours, as per, which watches the price and value of cryptocurrencies.

A glance at the SafeMoon data on CoinMarketCap indicates that SafeMoon jumped back in April before hitting somewhat a level in mid-May. However, since June began, the value of the coin has already started to rise.

modern crypto

Kim Kardashian and SafeMoon

Some might rise due to social media hype. SafeMoon made news Tuesday after Kim Kardashian tweeted about another cryptocurrency, Ethereum Max. She checked with her fans if they know anything about it.

  • According to Newsweek, SafeMoon advocates began to push for Kim Kardashian to support SafeMoon, hoping to see a spike in the cryptocurrency.

SafeMoon updates crypto wallet.

SafeMoon also announced at the end of May that it had worked with Simplex, a financial company licensed in the United Kingdom for cryptocurrency investors.

According to SafeMoon, the company “provides fiat infrastructure for the crypto industry; securely processing credit card payments and making cryptocurrency accessible to all.”

  • The move will reportedly make it easier for investors to invest in SafeMoon directly.

John Karony, SafeMoon CEO, asserted that this is a part of growing SafeMoon and honoring investors.

  • “Doing things diversely is both our starting point and part of our end goal.”
  • “One of our founding principles is openness, so we’re extremely public with a great deal of our activity.”
  • “Our increasing army of investors is greatly dedicated to our mission since they know we’re just as committed to offering service and value to them.”

Is SafeMoon a good investment?

Some experts have called SafeMoon a scheme. According to Benzinga, SafeMoon resembles “a pyramid scheme instead of a sound monetary policy since investors get charged a 10% fee when they take out their holdings. And another 5% is given back to investors.

  • As per Benzinga, “most investors would agree that Safemoon has higher potential for returns than DOGE, albeit an extremely high-risk investment.”

But, according to Fortune, SafeMoon wants to be a long-term investment for people — not crypto where you invest and then get out. Safemoon informed Fortune that,

“The intent here is to avoid the larger dips when whales make a decision to sell their tokens after in the game, which keeps the price from fluctuating as much.”

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